高考英语北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module8 Unit22《Environmental Protection学案

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高考英语北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module8 Unit22《Environmental Protection学案

  Unit 22 Environmental Protection重点单词 1.________ vt. 危害→ ________ adj. 濒临灭绝的;濒危的

  2.________ n. 生态→________ adj. 生态的;生态学的

  3.________ adj. 植物的→________ n. 植物学

  4.________ n. 顾问→________ vt. 查阅

  5.________ adj. 贪污的→________ n. 贪污;腐败

  6.________ n. 农业→________ adj. 农业的

  7.________ n. 灌溉→________ vt. 灌溉

  8.________ n. 分离→________ vt. 分开;使分离

  9._______adj. 周到的;体贴的→_______vt. 考虑→ ______ n. 考

  10.________ vt. 计算→________ n. 计算

  重点短语 1.________ ________ ________ 对……有害2.________ ________ 处境危险;冒险

  3.________ ________ ________ 与……有关的

  4.________ ________ 依次;轮流;反而

  5.________ ________ 导致

  重点短语 6.________ ________ 采取行动

  7.________ ________ 对……负责任

  8.________ ________ 夺走;掠去

  9.________ ________ 总结;概括

  10.________ ________ ________ 摆脱;脱离;逃跑

  重点句式 1.In_the_last_few_decades,_scientists have_reached consensus...2.Many experts insist_that the blame for this global warming can mostly be pinned on human activities.3.Gases pumped into the Earth's atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have_been_speeding_up the process of global warming...4.However, when the wrapping of the Reichstag in golden fabric had_finally_been_completed,_the glowing building received international acclaim.

  5.And Christo loved being_appreciated.

  6.Two or three new projects are_currently_being_developed by Christo and his team.

  核心语法 被动语态


  1.endanger; endangered 2.ecology; ecological 3.botanical; botany 4.consultant; consult 5.corrupt; corruption

  6.agriculture; agricultural 7.irrigation; irrigate 8.separation; separate 9.considerate; consider; consideration

  10.calculate; calculation


  1.be harmful to 2.at risk 3.be relevant to 4.in turn 5.result in 6.take action 7.answer for 8.carry off 9.sum up 10.break away from

  1.principle n. [C]原则;操守;道德标准;原理

  1)It's ________ ________ ________ ________, so we can't give in. 这是原则问题,因此我们不能让步。

  2)She seems to have no ________ at all when it comes to making money. 一谈到赚钱, 她就好像完全不顾自己的原则了。

  3)He is quite ________ ________. 他完全没有道德观念(他做的事一点都不道德)。

  【答案】 1)a matter of principle 2)principles 3)without principle


  It is ________ ________ ________ (有违原则) to tell a lie.

  【答案】 against my principle


  (2010南京师大附中统测)He is a man of high ________ and we all respect him.





  【答案与解析】 B 题意:他是有高度道德原则的人,我们都敬重他。principle “(行为的)准则;操守”; moral 须加-s 表示“道德”; character “人格”; nature “性格”。

  2.condemn vt. 谴责;使……遭受;给……判刑

  condemn sb / sth for / as sth 因……而谴责某人或某事

  condemn sb to...


  condemn sb to sth / to do sth


  condemnable adj. 该罚的;该受责备的

  condemnation n. 定罪;谴责;指责

  condemned adj. 已被定罪的;已被定罪者使用的;受谴责的

  1) His lack of education ________ ________________live a hard life. 他因未受教育而不得不过着艰苦的生活。

  2)We all ________ ________to children. 我们一致谴责虐待儿童的行为。

  3)The criminal ________ ________ ________ death. 这个罪犯被判处死刑。

  【答案】 1)condemned him to 2)condemn cruelty

  3)was condemned to


  1)He was found guilty and ________________________ ________(处以枪决).

  2)Most people would ________________ ________ ________ ________ (任何种类的暴力行为).

  3)As an old person, one is often ________ ________ ________ ________ (无奈而独自生活).

  【答案】 1)condemned to be shot 2)condemn violence of any sort 3)condemned to live alone


  (2011湖北孝感统考)He found it hard to________a mother who stole bread for a hungry child.

  A.compass B.compete C.complain D.condemn

  【答案与解析】 D 考查动词。题意:他不忍心谴责一个为饥饿的孩子偷面包的母亲。compass“图谋; 计划;达到”;compete“比赛;竞争”;complain“抱怨;发牢骚”;condemn“谴责”。

  3.relevant adj. 有关的;贴切的;中肯的

  be relevant to... 与……有关

  relevance, relevancy

  n. 有关;关联;贴切;中肯

  have relevance to... 与……有关

  1)The tsunami ________ ________ ________ ________ the earthquake down the ocean. 这次海啸与海底地震有很大的关系。

  2)His nationality ________ ________ ________ whether he is a good lawyer. 他的国籍跟他是不是一个好律师不相关。

  3)The professor has given the students a list of articles ________ ________ the topic under discussion.教授已经给了学生们与讨论主题相关的文章清单。

  【答案】 1)is much relevant to 2)isn't relevant to

  3)relevant to


  Any ________information must be given to our teacher in the interest of our class.


  B.concerned C.relevance


  【答案与解析】 A 题意:为了班级的利益,我们必须把有关信息汇报给老师。concerned只能后置,relevance是名词,而concerning为介词,均不合题意。


  (2010温州一模)A government official was murdered last week and the police are collecting information that is ________to the case.

  A.relevant B.similar



  【答案与解析】 A 考查形容词。be relevant to...“与……有关”。题意:上周一位政府官员被谋杀,警察正搜寻与此案件相关的信息。

  4.considerate adj. 考虑周到的;体谅的;体贴的;为(他人)着想的

  be considerate of / to / towards sb 体贴某人

  considerable adj. 相当大的;相当重要的;相当多的

  a considerable number of 许多的;大量的

  considering prep. & conj. 考虑到;鉴于……;就……而言

  consideration n. 考虑;认为

  take sth into consideration 把……加以考虑

  consider vt. 考虑;认为

  1)She is a ________ teacher who is always ready to help others.她是一个乐于助人的体贴的老师。

  2)He is no more ________ of others than his brother is.他不体谅别人,就跟他弟弟一样。

  【答案】 1)considerate 2)considerate


  1)________ he's only been learning English for a year, he speaks it very well. 考虑到他只学了一年英语,他讲得算是很流利了。

  2)There're a ________ number of people who like him round in society; they're very fashionable just now.在社交界有不少人喜欢他,这些人现在都很出风头。

  3)I always take fuel consumption into ________ when buying a car. 我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内。

  4)That matter is under ________. 那件事正在考虑中。

  5)He showed no ________ for his wife. 他不体贴妻子。

  【答案】 1)Considering 2)considerable 3)consideration

  4)consideration 5)consideration


  (2010浙江学军中学月考)It was very ________of you not to play the piano while I was asleep.





  【答案与解析】 C it is / was considerate of sb to do sth “某人去做某事真是太体贴了”,为固定结构。

  5.seize vt. 抓住;俘获;夺取;占领;依法没收;抓住(时机等);掌握;理解;(常用被动语态)(疾病)侵袭;(情绪)支配 vi. 抓住;夺取;占有 (on / upon);利用;采用 (on / upon)

  seize sb

  by the arm / collar 抓住某人的手臂/衣领

  be seized with / by (后接疾病、情绪等)被……侵袭;受……支配

  seize upon / on 突然大为关注;抓住(可利用的东西)

  seize hold of 抓住;占领

  1)I can't quite ________ your meaning. 我不是很理解你的意思。

  2)We should ________ the opportunity to work hard. 我们应抓住机会努力工作。

  3)She ________ ________ my suggestion and began work immediately. 她采纳了我的建议,马上干了起来。

  4)The rebels ________ ________ the political power. 叛乱分子已经夺取了政权。

  【答案】 1)seize 2)seize 3)seized on 4)have seized


  1)________ the chance, otherwise you will regret it.抓住机会,否则你会后悔的。

  2)He ________ ________ ________ a slight attack of fever. 他有一点发烧。

  3)The rumours ________ ________ ________ by the local press. 当地出版社迫不及待地对这些传闻加以炒作。

  【答案】 1)Seize 2)was seized with 3)were seized upon / on


  (2010南京调研)20 kilos of heroin were ________ by the police yesterday at the airport.

  A.caught B.held C.seized D.got

  【答案与解析】 C 题意:昨天20千克的海洛因在机场被警方扣押。seize “扣押;没收”。

  6.trap vt. 使陷入困境;使中圈套 n. 困境;圈套;陷阱

  set / lay a trap 布好陷阱

  fall into the trap of doing sth 掉进陷阱;误以为

  trap sb into (doing) sth 使中计;使上当;使陷入圈套

  1)Both men ________ ________ inside the burning car. 两个人都被困在燃烧的轿车里。

  2)The bomb exploded, ________ victims in the building. 炸弹爆炸了,把受害者困在楼里。

  3)She had set a ________ for him and he had walked straight into it. 她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。

  4)I ________ ________ ________ admitting that I had lied. 我中了圈套,承认自己撒谎。

  【答案】 1)were trapped 2)trapping 3)trap 4)was trapped into




  【答案】 We set traps for the mouse.


  (2010合肥八中月考)I fall into the ________ of putting work before family.

  A.custom B.trap C.mistake D.belief

  【答案与解析】 B 题意:我误以为工作比家庭更重要。fall into the trap of doing sth “误以为……”。

  7.beyond prep. 在……之外;超出……的范围;除……之外;非……力所能及

  beyond belief / recognition 难以置信/认不出来

  beyond doubt 无疑地

  it's beyond me why / how / what 我不理解……

  1)So far Dr Barnard's fame has ________ ________ ________ South Africa. 现在巴纳德医生的名声已传到了南非以外的地区。

  2)Scott pushed his employees ________ ________ ________ of human endurance. 斯哥特把他的员工逼到了忍无可忍的地步。

  3)I know nothing about him ________ ________ ________ that he used to work for the government. 除了知道他过去为政府工作外,我对他一无所知。

  4)The situation is already ________ ________ ________. 我们已经控制不了局面。

  【答案】 1)spread far beyond 2)beyond the limits

  3)beyond the fact 4)beyond our control


  1)The centre of Manchester has changed ________ ________. 曼彻斯特的中心已经变得认不出来了。

  2)Brady's guilt had been ________ ________. 布雷迪已被证明确实有罪。

  3)________ ________ ________ ________ anyone should want to marry him. 我不理解为什么人人都想嫁给他。

  【答案】 1)beyond recognition 2)beyond doubt 3)It's beyond me why


  (2010海口模拟)Everybody was touched


  words after they heard her moving story.





  【答案与解析】 A 题意:听过她的动人故事以后,每个人都被感动得说不出话来。beyond words “无法用语言表达”。

  8.calculate vt. 计算;核算;预测;推测

  calculate on sth 指望;预料

  calculated adj. 精心计划的;蓄意的

  calculating adj. 工于心计的;狡猾的

  calculation n.


  calculator n. 计算器

  1)We'll need to ________ the overall costs. 我们需要算出总的费用。

  2)It's difficult ________ ________ the long-term effects of these changes in the law. 很难预测法律上的这些变化会产生怎样的长期影响。

  3)We had not ________ ________ any problem with the application. 我们没有料到这一申请会有什么问题。

  4)It was clearly a ________ attempt to embarrass the police chief. 这显然是蓄意让警长难堪之举。

  【答案】 1)calculate 2)to calculate 3)calculated on





  【答案】 We didn't calculate on any problem with the application.


  (2010江苏联考)The loss caused by the Haiti Earthquake has not yet been ________ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a thousand million dollars.





  【答案与解析】 A 根据“人们认为(损失)要超过十亿美元”可知,这里表示损失还没有精确地“计算”出来。calculate “计算”。1.a number of 许多的;大量的